A queer scholar community
We are queer researchers in STEM
We lead programming aimed at postdoctoral scholars in San Diego and invite any queer and allied scholars (postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, staff researchers and more) to join us.
Be seen.
LGBT scholars in STEM lack opportunities for visibility. QSS wants to improve visibility by organizing and promoting events.
Be informed.
Both queer and allied scholars often lack high quality information about queer representation and policy goals. Browse our resources to learn with us.
Be you.
Academia thrives from the diversity of its researchers. QSS embraces queer authenticity and advocates for inclusivity.
Be part of the society! We are open to all queer and allied scholars in San Diego county. Members can access to our mailing list and regular meetings.
Contribute references to be featured on our website. Tell others about our work.
Equity for queer professionals in STEM requires persistent requests for change. Translate awareness around queer issues into policy.