1/11/21 meeting: disparities in LGBT postdoc survey responses

In our first meeting of the year (next week!) we will explore advance Postdoc@UCSD survey results that uncover surprising disparities between LGBT and non-LGBT postdocs!

EDIT: See the results on Twitter!

Turns out there are three persistent differences between heterosexual and LGBTQ postdocs: 1) Having a contact for assistance with problems, 2) Satisfaction with UCSD diversity programs, and 3) Satisfaction with total compensation.

Most questions have very little difference between LGBTQ and heterosexual postdocs - a big conclusion is that there are very few disparities among LGBTQ vs heterosexual postdocs at UCSD!

Postdoc salary is the biggest target for criticism across all postdocs, but the results here suggest that insufficient pay places disproportionate stress on queer postdocs.


2/8/21 meeting: LGBT mental health


12/9/20 meeting: Elliot Page